Could you expand on this bit a little?

“can generate new realities and definitively replace the working of necessary fact by arbitrary linguistic decision… this indeed will amount to an end to history”

I’m thinking maybe words have no meaning? Also what came to mind was when Rumsfeld or Cheney (can’t remember who said it) paraphrasing, “we are in the Empire business now, we create our own reality”. But I could be wrong

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If I'm understanding Vince's argument correctly, we have to begin a position of assessing what Kojeve interpreted as the end of history, which is the end of discourse/thought/philosophy/whatever you want to call it. In Kojeve this takes a kind of circular movement, where the end brings us back to the real beginning of things. It's in the Parmenides quotes that he uses in the previous essay, 'What is the End of History?': "It is all one to me/Where I am to begin; for I shall return there again". And then Kojeve's comment on these lines: "From the moment that [Parmenides] has retold everything that can be said … Truth alone shall remain: the single, unique Truth that is sooner or later necessarily retold when we say anything at all, provided that we do not stop … by saying only a portion of what can be said."

Fukuyama, who claims to be walking in the footsteps of Kojeve, positions liberalism as the end of history moment. Vince takes up language (and by extension, law) as the underlying substrate of liberalism; liberalism is the indefinite extension of discourse, dialogue, and it finds its counterpart in the critical philosophy of Kant. It perceives itself as extension of language and representation without paradox. It's a simulation, and one that can never actual reconcile itself to 'the real' because of the actuality of paradox, contradiction, and forces exterior to itself. It can't be the end of history, Fukuyama is doomed.

Vince's provocation is to suggest that going beyond liberalism actual means to complete the closure, the circle back to the ultimate foundation, where the speech act and the "network of symbols" that uphold it converge with itself in a moment of truth. This is the opposite of words without meaning: "Rather than meaninglessness and decoherence, however, the simulation would attain self-referential significance". He points to two sort of specters of this, which actually converge in some uncanny way. First, the "Confucian universe of signs". The second: "artificial intelligence as state-form... a course that is only very incompletely foreshadowed in the form of the stagnant and linear language-production of the LLM"

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Thank you for this explanation btw, it was brilliant and thank you for your bit/recommendation on hour of the star by Lispector. Really enjoyed it.

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I’m glad you liked it! I thought it was a wonderful little book.

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Cool, but what happened to your colab book with Garton?

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Time will tell?

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Maya(? - geez not sure), replied to me about this some time ago. It's not dead, but you Ed owe us an Accelerationism book, you published in Italian but not yet in English. Why Ed, oh why?

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The Italian book—which was really not a book about accelerarionism per se, but a history of avant-political subcultures in the 20th century, though it does contain a chapter on the CCRU—had the supreme misfortune of being published concurrent with the outbreak of covid in 2020, so a lot of plans for English translations etc sort of got lost in the mix.

On the topic of a more generalized book about acceleration(ism), it’s not a position I’ve identified with a long long time so I’m not sure how something like that would be handled. Sort of hinted at it in this post but I’ve come to view the project/position as both a phantasy (in the psychoanalytic sense) and an aesthetic program that seeks to pose a grasping response to the real situation, which is precisely the inverse of acceleration. The instances that we might tap something that resembles those dynamics is a mistaken identification with what we could instead call a frenetic standstill. Acceleration, at its core, is really just the sense of vectorial transformations—particularly when it comes to how we relate to experiences of time and space—under the conditions of a rapidly transforming modernity; when modernity suspends, there is a general sense of chaos, but it’s a chaos that is boxed in place.

So any future treatment would have to begin on this basis. The more bracing problem too is that, in my mind at least, stripping it all down to its ultimate core returns us to the key positions of the Marxist project, albeit under radically new conditions. Which is to say, we loop back to the structures of class society, social mediation, and, in the final analyses, the limits of analyses itself in a popular, class-based struggle to realize the new earth.

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I re-gained some interest in acc while reading Mathias Riedl "Joachim von Fiore - Thinker of the completed (perfected?) humanity" (in German), a monk and philosopher of the 13th Century who formed a lot of the language around Apocalypse. Especially the idea of a proleptic community (idea dating back to Origenes and the christian tent communities in Egypt of the first centuries AD). The proleptic community being a sort of Avantgarde living in the post-apocalypse, as in the coming of Christ after Judgment Day. The PC perfects itself and through work in a cyclical way, spirals into the emanation of the Holy Spirit. In the 19th and 20th century in Germany it was popular to see him as a gat way to Hegel, Marx and german Fascism (Tausendjährige Reich - also a concept from di Fiore, which actually might have led to the idea of the Reich). However on acc the idea is that the PC lives in the future and the future manifests itself through and with the Avantgardist PC (the Apocalypse as an unveiling of a present that was always there to begin with - God in Christ / Capital in Weltgeist or whatever Land saw on a trip). Can't elaborate further now, need to feed the baby.

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Prophet speech aside, there's an excellent book of poet Kenneth Rexroth about Communalism, by the same title. It's very good, and talks a lot about those religious movements.

I'm aware that Ed wrote about Utopian movements in America, it's an excellent article, I've read it, very well investigated, satisfying to read. Cheers. It just lacked to mention Rexroth's Communalism which is a kind of a classic and also mentions America's utopian movements, like Owen's experiment. Rexroth himself kind of lived through those milieus, the bohemians of the "Soaring twenties", the IWW activists, anarchists etc when America had an active and combative working class...

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"Mr. and Mrs. Antrobus are getting nowhere." (bad infinity, the Fall)

This way they'll end up in Chardin's Omega Point.


ab oving

"He speaks in thunder and in fire! What the thunder said. Dumbfounding. Wonderstruck us at a thunder, yunder. Well, all be dumbed!"

Creation, will be Burned up, & then, & not till Then, Truth or Eternity will appear. It is Burnt up the Moment Men cease to behold it

"The cycle ends in a ricorso


Teems of times and happy returns. The seim anew. Ordovico or viricordo.

Array! Surrectionl

The world's great age begins anew

The golden years return

magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo"

"History, what has happened and happens, has a privileged position over possibilities, noble ideas, lost causes. It is Creation, and thenceforth the given. And I can understand why Vico, Hegel, and the others have taken it to be God or His demiurge. But I think that these philosophers too much mean by history the history of institutions, nations, great men, Society. If God is history, it includes the history of Me." (Paul Goodman)

"Man is "the language animal"

but if language is writing

and all nature is written

then all animals are language animals.

It is as scripture that man becomes part of nature


as he becomes mythy again; that is to say, mute."

Finnegan Beginnagain

we are back again

before the Birth of Tragedy

before the Gods of Greece ('the world view and patterns of perception of Dawn People time, prior to the Classical Greeks & Rome, indeed prior to history'. 'before the Greek invention of the polis cut us off from Nature in the first great act of alienation')

something more elemental.

For Joyce it's 'pawses' time. (the veneer of civilization is very thin)

And, 'we start from scratch'

(N.O.B. Closing Time)

"Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past." (Marx)

IF it is so Marx, it is then the "nightmare from which I want to awake".

With a bang and with the whimper, gloriously and catastrophically.

The germans made their "Critique of Cynical Reason" it's now time to praxe out this critique

"In a situation of general social paralysis/stasis, sterility, stereotypification/the aim is not the seizure of power but the dissolution of power."


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Lights, camera, action!


3:12 ("We are Everywhere")

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I was never into those milieus. Only watching from afar. I look upon with disdain, what are those people? Academic rats? They are up to nothing.

"The examples are endless, and it’s because accelerationism at its core, for all its theoretical pretenses and so-called explanatory power, is a phantasy deployed against the real situation: the frenzied, yet unwaveringly stable, tableau of a seemingly eternal and frozen present."

Mystifications, it's clear from the beggining. They are cult-like from the beggining. Appearance tells everything, Hegel was right. (And so Goethe, with "phisiognomy"). By the appearance, Providence decrees: they are LARPing and will change nothing.

If at least their theories served for something, no, even their theories suck and mystifies only more. Leisure for highbrow academic rats. That's what they are and will forever be. Defeatist and cynical too, they fall in the abstractions of this world and says it's over. Until now it's the world that has thought for us. It's up to us to insure it's over.

The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful;

Under the pretext that the Hegelian conception of history presupposes an abstract or absolute spirit that develops in such a way that humanity is only a mass that is more or less consciously impregnated with it, what would like to pass itself off as materialism has made the human mass an absolute or abstract matter , deprived of spirit, which nevertheless develops in the manner of the Hegelian Spirit. (Fukuyama thesis, and the Verkehrte Welt in action. Which accs take for granted, because their class are of academic rats)

The history of humanity becomes the history of the abstract matter of humanity, consequently foreign to real man. This is the cybernetic version of history, as it is imagined in Moscow, Beijing or the Rand Corporation. This materialism has not put the Hegelian dialectic on its feet; but on its ass. (Anal Sadism)

Now here is this dialectic helmeted and booted, ready for any eventuality. The essential element of the concrete is abstraction insofar as it is itself a concrete production. The Spirit is of this world, because abstraction is not only the concrete thought, but the essential moment of the concrete. It is even with the triumph of abstraction in the society of the spectacle that coincides the total failure of the thought of the concrete. Until now, it is the world that has thought for us. It's up to us to insure it's over. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Y'know we are back in another catastrophe, look at Syria (God, Gepolitical situation in general, by the end of this year). Vico's prophesy, his final cycle, why accels never considered Vico?. Along with many of the orthodox too who prophesied.

The explodotonation of the continuum of His story. Shut up shop, dappy. STFU.

"Then as all actions of mankind

Are but a labyrinth or maze,

So let your dances be entwined—"

Again will you dance virgin Israel. The dance of Shiva.

The soul of everyelsesbody rolled into its olesoleself.



and a marry christmas


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These recuperators represent the stage of total decomposition of the grotesque so-called social sciences, therefore the last stage of decomposition of economics itself , the last stage of decomposition of the dominant utilitarian thought. The last bastion of the dominant utilitarian theory consists, when it is driven to ridicule as soon as it tries to speak clearly - like the Stalinists for example who are today a universal object of derision - in drowning the hackneyed terms of utilitarianism in a semiological-symbolic-structural-psychoanalytic-cybernetic-linguistic gibberish inherited from the grotesque so-called social sciences where the hackneyed concepts of utilitarianism, a few revolutionary of the party of communication quickly rehashed there and the purest academic gibberish are mixed. This gives the gibberish of Berardi, Bredouil, Deleuze, Lyotard, etc.

It is also significant that the pseudo-science in the spotlight in this muddle is the dominant theory of communication - not economics of course, which is the " true" dominant theory of communication since it is the dominant theory of the dominant form of alienated communication, but the official dominant of communication --linguistics. It is quite clear that, since the enemy and we live in the same world and dispute the same world, the enemy's pen-pushers speak of the same world as we do, but obviously for a completely different purpose. The pen-pushers speak of this world only to discourage any critical thought about this world. And it is their personal goal: to preserve at all costs the shameful places they occupy, or even to occupy even more shameful ones, which strictly determines what they can say. All the rest, all their displayed pretensions, are just bad literature. And as Semprun notes in his Précis, everyone has their hobby horse, their favorite utilitarian ghost: one has the imaginary , others the libidinal, the desiring, the transversal, the symbolic, the social, the sign and its political economy and even the little Italian who have their mao-dada. This is the miracle of the multiplication of ectoplasms.

Shut up shop, dappy.


In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful:

51. And (remember) when We said unto the angels: Fall prostrate before Adam, and they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He was of the Jinn, so he rebelled against his Lord's command. Will ye choose him and his seed for your protecting friends instead of Me, when they are an enemy unto you? Calamitous is the exchange for evil-doers!

52. I made them not to witness the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor their own creation; nor choose I misleaders for (My) helpers.

53. And (be mindful of) the Day when He will say: Call those partners of Mine whom ye pretended. Then they will cry unto them, but they will not hear their prayer, and We shall set a gulf of doom between them.

54. And the guilty behold the Fire and know that they are about

to fall therein, and they find no way of escape thence.

Sura 18


"History is a nightmare from which I'm trying to awake."

The play thou schouwburgst, Game, here endeth.

The curtain drops by deep request.

Roll away the reel world, the reel world, the reel world! CHERCHONS LA FLAME!

By Jove!

"1 Behold, little pink earth brain within my void-grip, and receive Logos; and lay with the Wor;

2 Ung!

Ung! Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin! LO!

3 I am Jehovah One, the God of Wrath, that One who, to make Man pull the triggers of his thousand opposable thumbs, caused the apes of the ground to spill their seed on the dust.

4 I am the first and the last, which is to come, and which is, and which was; I am in the brain-pan of every human babe.

5 Of left and of right, the outer and the inside: the Particle; the Totality: for the Gavel of the Grid is mine own, and I spat the silly formula of Man upon the waters and fashioned his spirit after the image of mine own, for Jehovah is a vengeful god, and I urinate on the heads of Men."

"Wild primates not stop him frem at rearing a writing in handy antics. Nom de plume!"

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